Tuesday, June 1, 2010

what Jamie Oliver has done to us

When we started watching Jamie Oliver we were just thrilled to see this Steve Irwin type brit so excited about food.

Now that we've watched most of his shows and most of Gordon Ramsay's shows we're starting to get excited about food in our house as well. More than ever, we want to buy local and make as much as we can ourselves. So far that has resulted in a few more homemade dinners, some bread machine bread and now our new spaghetti sauce.

We've been living in our neighborhood for roughly 10 years only just decided that we should be using our local bakery for most of our breads & buns. So imagine my disappointment when I discovered that last month they closed there doors.

In our house we've decided that due to the recent recession/financial crisis it helps our economy to buy local and we benefit from the freshness and lack of chemicals that are necessary in foods that need to stay ripe and fresh by artificial means.

So we're on a mission to discover our local bakery and outdoor market. We're checking to see where our grocery store produce is coming from. We visited our local nursery to buy fresh herbs and seasonal vegetables. It's amazing what you can grow even if you are in the smallest of apartments. Herbs, tomato plants, strawberries, potatoes, peppers and more can be grown in pots and hanging baskets. Many farms now offer delivery runs of seasonal vegetables right to your door.

Ok.. ranting over.. Now I'm off to scout out bakeries. Wish me luck.

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