Sunday, September 13, 2009

about cloth diapers

When E was born I considered cloth and bought what was available at Sears.. I used them a few times a week for the first 6 months, but I found they leaked often and eventually I gave up completely. My experience with J was even worse.. he was so colicky that I didn't have time to shop and socialize the way I could with E. I might be crazy but now even though J is 21 months old, I'm ordering some Fuzzibunz cloth diapers for him. At this point I don't think I'll go completely disposable free but I'd like to use them as much as possible until he's using the potty all the time.

So why would I even bother to get into cloth at this stage in the game you ask? Well... I'm hoping the wet feeling he'll get with cloth will be extra incentive to potty train and they are better for the environment, cut down on diaper rash and it's better on my wallet. Besides.. have you seen cloth diapers lately? There have been many advancements in just a few years time and these diapers are just as easy to use as disposables and a whole lot cuter! You just do one or two extra loads of laundry per week. I can handle that.

For anyone out there looking for more info, check out or look around your town for your local baby shop and see what they carry. Even Costco is now offering a cloth diaper package. If you want to make things really easy- try a cloth diaper service, they will drop off a weeks worth of clean cloth diapers and pick up last weeks dirty ones while they're at it!

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